Network Rail has worked with a local artist and community group to brighten up Love Lane footbridge in York as part of a wider project to tackle graffiti in the area.

Graffiti near the railway is unpleasant for people in the community and for passengers. As well as being illegal, it can lead to other crimes. But cleaning it costs millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money and uses valuable time, which could be used making improvements to the railway.

Chris Goodwin在铁路周围维护了该地区,并回应了任何问题,同时确保火车服务可以安全可靠地运行。他的团队不得不在Love Lane Bridge上涂鸦 - 在东海岸主线 - 多次运行。



Work was completed over the weekend on Love Lane bridge. The artwork includes detailed mallard ducks, representing the local area and nearby nature reserve, Hob Moor.





Devan Witter BEM, Engagement and Development Officer for East Riding Voluntary Action Services, said: “We are really pleased with the results of the ongoing community arts project in York that has been commissioned by Network Rail.

“爱情巷是已被确定为涂鸦热点的领域之一,我们与Emma Garness合作,以解决这个问题并照亮当地社区。到目前为止的积极评论很棒。“

艾玛Garness,艺术家,他说:“这是一个呼吸的fresh air painting this 40-metre footbridge for Network Rail. Under normal circumstances, I would have involved the local community in the painting of this mural.

“我能做的下一个最好的事情就是将它与直接位置的参考资料联系起来 - 摇滚乐滚垫上的野鸭鸭子和由志愿者种植的1000个蓝铃铛在11月在小滚刀沼地上种植。本地社区享有这两个地区。



If you see someone graffitiing on the railway, please report it to the British Transport Police by calling 0800 40 50 40 or texting 61016. You can also call Network Rail’s 24-hour national helpline on 03457 11 41 41.
