Over the past five weeks, Network Rail has completed its biggest track investment in Cornwall since the 1950s, renewing the track on the St Ives Bay line between Carbis Bay and St Ives.
The railway line reopens today (Monday 8 February) following the successful completion of work to lay around 1.5 miles of new track and install 3,600 new sleepers and over 400 tonnes of new ballast – which is the stones that supports the track.
Lee Hildreth,网亚搏彩票软件官网络铁路项目经理说:“我们很高兴完成我们在Stives Bay系列的工作,这标志着该县最大的赛道升级了60多年。
“We would like to thank the local community for their patience while we have completed this work and look forward to welcoming passengers back onboard.”
西部GWR地区站经理Mark Chorley说:“我们很高兴在升级五周期后,今天在ST IVES Bay Line上恢复火车服务。这项工作将有助于保持我们的服务在分支机线上运行,为客户提供更平滑的骑行。
GWR is operating a reduced timetable during the latest national lockdown and customers should follow Government guidelines, only travelling for work if essential or for other legally permitted reasons. Find out more。
The train operator has been providing rail services throughout the pandemic and has worked to ensure these are as safe as possible. This includes increased cleaning regimes and the use of a virucidal spray; extra staff at key stations to offer help and guidance; and processes in place to help customers maintain a safe distance where possible, such as restricting the number of reservations available.
Richard Burningham,德文郡和康沃尔郡铁路伙伴主的椅子说:“We greatly welcome Network Rail’s investment in the St Ives Bay line which is a really important for the local economy, particularly at St Ives and Carbis Bay but for west Cornwall more widely.
“这是一个非常繁忙的线 - 2019年,在线上制作了超过660,000次旅程 - 希望当Covid限制被提升时,它可能就像不忙碌一样忙碌。”
Derek Thomas,STIves West Cornwall和Scilly岛的MP表示:“我很荣幸能够在今年晚些时候欢迎G7峰会,重点将从Covid中恢复,以及我们如何提供低碳绿色经济。
“That is why the investment in the St Ives Bay line is so welcome and so important because all of us will be thinking about reducing journeys on road and how we can use the railway more.”