乘客are advised to plan ahead for major work on the Arun Valley Line in the summer. Network Rail engineers will be rebuilding a crucial section of West Sussex’s railway, including a nine day period in August when there will be no trains through Horsham, plus five weekends of engineering closures in July, September and October.


Additionally, there will be three weekends of engineering closures ahead of the main work and these will take place on Sunday 11 July, Saturday 17 to Sunday 18 July, and Saturday 31 July to Sunday 1 August 2021. Following the main closure, there will be a further two weekend closures on Saturday 4 September to Sunday 5 September and Sunday 3 October.

亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路南部地区的投资总监Paul Harwood说:“我们从不接近铁路的决定轻轻地延长铁路,并感谢乘客在努力解决该地区铁路的历史投资,并提高线路的能力。

“This investment was originally planned for several bank holiday closures, supported by a long series of weekend closures over two to three years. By doing the work over nine consecutive days and two weekends, the overall disruption to passengers can be significantly reduced, while fast-tracking the delivery of the reliability, safety and connectivity benefits of the project.

“认识到铁路的重要性leisure and tourism industry, we’ll ensure that alternative routes are fully open on these dates, and we’ve timed the work to avoid Brighton Pride.

“Over the next months, we will continue to work closely with Southern, Thameslink and South Western Railway colleagues, as well as local stakeholders to ensure passengers are made aware of the changes to their journeys and the alternative options to keep them moving.”

南部的客户服务总监Chris Fowler说:“亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路与我们密切合作,以规划这个重要的工作,以便我们的客户的旅程尽可能少地扰乱。升级将提高Arun Valley线上服务的可靠性,我在夏天正在进行工作时提前感谢客户的耐心。我们将在未来几个月内提供有关替代旅行选择的更详细建议。“


乘客wishing to travel on these dates will need to allow considerably more time for their journeys and should expect to use either diverted trains via longer routes or a replacement bus or coach to connect with rail services to the South Coast.

工作也一直在避免在八月开始时扰乱布莱顿骄傲,包括布莱顿主线在内的其他航线将为旅行开放。距离距离沿海旅程的服务到奇切斯特,Littlehampton,Bognor Regis和Portsmouth仍将运行,但将通过替代路线使用布莱顿主线,意思是旅程需要更长时间。


What work is taking place?

  • 这项工作将有助于促进增强的可靠性和安全性,最大限度地减少对乘客的干扰。
  • It will involve the complete renewal of 9 sets of old switches and crossings, the movable sections of track that guide trains from one track to another and allow them to cross paths. The existing equipment has been in place since the 1980s, is old and unreliable and needs to be replaced. The new, more reliable equipment will reduce faults and delays to passengers.
  • 将更新一段轨道,睡眠机和镇流器,并在Horsham Station取代轨道排水。升级的曲目将使乘客更加顺畅,更可靠的旅程,而排水改善将保持长期的轨道质量。
  • 使为牧师住所路勒的升级工作vel crossing to a full barrier CCTV crossing to improve safety, and recontrol of Littlehaven signal box to the Three Bridges Rail Operating Centre (ROC) in June 2022.
  • 为乘客提供额外的福利网络轨道和火车运营商正在封闭时看待翻新站的选项。亚搏彩票软件官网

Customers can find out more about the project atm.hnzsly.com/ArunValley。当公布替代旅行选项时,该网站还将更新有详细的旅行建议。