New data reveals shocking 138% increase in trespass incidents along the East Coast route after public emerged from national lockdown.

  • 令人震惊的统计数据*揭示了7月2020年7月的锁定提升促使侵入事件的数量激增
  • 亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路和英国运输警方敦促父母在英国夏季开始前与孩子讨论铁路安全
  • New safety film will be broadcast into schools on 18 March by Network Rail’s education partner LearnLive

Network Rail and British Transport Police are urging parents in Newcastle to talk to their teenagers about rail safety and the devastating potential impact of trespass to them, their friends and family, and the wider community ahead of the Easter school holiday and the easing of lockdown restrictions.

The calls come as newly released data reveals there was a surge in reckless behaviour on the network when the nation emerged from the lockdown last summer, which continued right through to the end of year.

这些数字表明,在网络轨道的东海岸路线跨越伦敦到苏格兰,有93次报告的7月和12月20日2020年代的侵入事件。亚搏彩票软件官网这与2019年同期的39个事件相比 - 增长了138%。在18岁以下的年龄组下,这些数字最急剧增加。


“Trespassing on the railway is extremely dangerous and can have life changing or even fatal consequences. Trains cannot slow down quickly or swerve out of the way and people should never hang around on the railway or anticipate when the next train is coming.

“We’re asking families across the region to sit down with their loved ones and hammer home the dangers of stepping onto the track.”


侵犯是网络铁路严重关切的原因,这就是为什么在2018年夏天与英国运输警察合作创建了你的亚搏彩票软件官网武器培训运动。主要集中在年轻人身上,铁路间的事件数量显着下降了year since the campaign’s introduction.

To help combat the expected seasonal climb in trespass, a new You vs Train film has been launched to get children to not only think about the devastating consequences that their actions can have on them and their loved ones, but the wider, sometimes hidden harm caused to the community, in particular rail staff.

The new film will be streamed into schools on 18 March as part of a rail safety broadcast by Network Rail’s education partner – LearnLive. Further information, including how to sign up for the broadcast, can be found on theLearnLive website.

Information on the dangers of railway trespass and the new campaign film can be found on the你vs火车网站.