Since the start of February, residents in Oxfordshire have received more than 35 flood warnings and alerts as a result of the recent heavy rainfall. The severe weather has also resulted in the River Thames reaching record levels with residents urged to take ‘immediate action'.
Despite this widespread flooding, the railway through Oxford remains flood-free and train services unaffected thanks to Network Rail’s innovative project to tackle flooding in this area – known as the Hinksey Flood Alleviation scheme, which was completed in summer 2016.
A major aspect of this scheme alongside the raising of the height of the track, was the installation of two new culverts – tunnels carrying a stream under the railway – to allow excess water to run under the railway and prevent it from flooding.
该项目在Didcot和牛津之间的铁路封闭的16天内进行,并涉及一系列其他基础设施改进,包括更新大量的铁路轨道;在旧的Abingdon Road南部的Stroud's Underbridge安装一个新的桥牌,包括在洪水水平上方提高它,并清除以下淤泥和碎片;并更换信号传导设备 - 有效地是铁路交通灯系统 - 帮助使铁路更具弹性。
This section of railway at Hinksey had an extensive history of flooding, becoming inundated with floodwater 11 times in the preceding 14 years, causing disruption to passengers and freight services who rely on this route.
Prior to the start of the project, Network Rail worked closely with the Environment Agency to ensure the work being undertaken at Hinksey supported the Environment Agency’s wider flood alleviation project – the牛津洪水缓解计划. This included building larger culverts to accommodate more flood water in an effort to try and minimise the impact of high water levels, both for the benefit of the railway and the local community.
乔安娜长大,网络铁路行业计亚搏彩票软件官网划总监说:“We are delighted to see the positive impact the Hinksey Flood Alleviation scheme is having in keeping the railway free from flooding and train services running.
“We are committed to delivering a safe and reliable railway for the benefit of our passengers and freight services, and the success of this project in protecting this stretch of railway from flooding is testament to the modelling and engineering efforts that went into completing this work.
“This was a major engineering feat and we are confident this work will continue to ensure the railway is free from flooding.”