Railway workers have driven hundreds of miles through the night to deliver two lorry loads of protective medical face masks for frontline workers in the NHS.


The 230-mile journey was part of an army logistics operation to provide protective equipment to hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic.

铁路车辆在St Helen的存储仓库中携带22个面罩,在St Helen的存储仓库到ST Omer Barracks Aldershot,随时可以分发给治疗冠状病毒患者的医务人员。

画廊:St Helen的脸部面罩的装载托盘和网络轨道工人为Stomer Barracks Aldershot提供面部面具亚搏彩票软件官网

Peter Mitchell, logistics co-ordinator at Network Rail, said: “We’re doing everything we can to help during the coronavirus pandemic, and the team dropped everything to help the Army and the NHS with this special delivery operation.

“亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路将继续支持wh放贷erever and whenever it’s needed over the coming weeks in the fight against the spread of Covid-19.”

Martin Frobisher,网亚搏彩票软件官网络铁路集团安全,技术和工程(STE)总监表示:“网络铁路决心使关键工人和货物安全地在这些前所未有的时间安全地移动。

“Freight services are an integral part of our work to keep food and medicines in shops, but I am very grateful to the team going the extra mile, or 230 miles to be exact, to help the army support our frontline NHS staff in this way.”

LT Gen Tyrone Urch Cbe,英国军队的联合指挥官说:“见证人挺身而出英国在Covid-19中拉在一起;武装部队将继续发挥任何必要的部门,以支持政府和全国危机。每个平民和军事人都在我们所做的贡献中骄傲。“



People are advised to visitwww.nationalleail.co.uk.every day to check the revised train times.