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Performance Monitoring 3. S & S D Initiatives 4. Competence of S&SD StaffoQuality of permanent and temporary works design and integration of same physical workmanship, waste management Ќ5 = Significantly exceeds specification but achieved the cost and programme milestones successfully. Provided innovation or functionality that exceeded specification and was aligned to Network Rail objectives. Provision of information and deliverables from either parties that are consistently high quality and exceeding requirements and therefore providing additional project benefits. Delivers health and safety risks mitigations through the design process. High quality of workmanship and documentation providing a legacy that exceeds client expectations. Environmental management exceeds expectations and is reflected in a culture that supports all aspects of sustainability./Corrective action reports including for design Ш4 = Specification exceeded and additional benefits achieved but achieved the cost and programme milestones successfully achieved. Good quality of workmanship and documentation. Delivers health and safety risks mitigations through the design process. Both parties provide information and deliverables that are high quality with additional benefits to the projects. Environmental and sustainability exceed minimum requirements of the project consistentlyRAvailability of "as is" drawings and other information required to identify risks.XSub-contractor management including coordination of permanent and temporary works designZ3 = Achieved the specification without the need for intervention. Adequate workmanship and documentation as required by the specification. Information and deliverables consistently high quality. Delivers health and safety risks mitigations through the design process. Environmental management compliant and sustainability objectives achieved.žQuality of Design's or other documentation including assessment of health and safety risks and opportunities to design risk out and residual risks thereafter.(Quality management including for design ’2 = Failed to achieve the specification or had significant intervention to achieve the specification. Workmanship and documentation have deficiencies that require correction. Information and deliverables from either party fail to meet expectations. Delivers health and safety risks mitigations occasinally through the design process. Environmental and Sustainability issues not addressed adequately.1 = Consistently fail to achieve the requirements of the specification. Workmanship is consistently poor with significant areas incomplete or failing to achieve functional requirements. Outputs of the project would not be possible without significant intervention. Consistently poor quality deliverables and information. Health and safety risk mitigations never or hardly ever delivered through the design process. Understanding of requirements regularly confused and delivery reflects lack of common understanding and/or competenceГ5 = Management of risk and engineering assurance review requirements completely aligned between supplier and Network Rail. Low levels of review or review levels reduced progressively following consistently high quality of deliverables. Good evidence of application of Safe by Design principles. Effective 2 way communication optimising the management of engineering risk and communicating client requirements clearly and efficientlyѕ4 = No resubmissions necessary and comments are minimal with low or reducing levels of assurance required. Responses to queries consistently high quality and risks managed proactively. Clear evidence of application of Safe by Design principles.V3 =No resubmissions necessary due to either Supplier or Network Rail deficiencies. Only minor comments requiring action and consistently good quality deliverables provided. Risk management effective. Evidence of application of Safe by Design principles. Dialogue and comments associated with engineering assurance is clear and actionable.2 = Some deliverables requiring resubmission and regular comments requiring actions result in high levels of review. Higher levels of review being carried out than considered necessary for a project with the risk profile presented. Modest evidence of Safe by Design principles. Dialogue regarding comments through engineering assurance not helping the progress of the project. Considering or already escalating issues to national SAM meetings. Risk management a concern requiring the involvement of senior people.1 = Poor quality deliverables, requiring high levels of review and frequent resubmissions necessary to achieve suitable deliverables. Key risks not managed effectively without intervention typically involving senior people within both organisations. No evidence of application of Safe by Design principles. Dialogue regarding comments through engineering assurance process blocking the progress of the project. Supplier or Network Rail Engineering Assurance performance has been escalated to national SAM meetingsВTeamwork Joint pursuit of whole life best value Collaborative and support both on and off the worksite Timely, open communication and issues visibility Pro-active risk management ‹Teamwork Collaborative and support both on and off the worksite Timely, open communication and issues visibility Pro-active risk management ŒDetermination Culture of performance and continuous improvement Appropriately trained, skilled and experienced people to manage the contract ИDetermination Culture of performance and continuous improvement Appropriately trained, skilled and experienced people to manage the contract Seeking whole life best value at all times fRespect Honesty Courtesy Integrity Willingness to comply with the contract, including timely payments KRespect Honesty Courtesy Integrity Willingness to comply with the contract †Pride Taking appropriate responsibility to issue ownership Ethical behaviour Innovative solutions Pro-actively striving for excellence UPride Responsible behaviour Innovative solutions Pro-actively striving for excellence 6  5. Outstanding: The NR Project Team/PC has dedicated S&SD resource(s) attributed to it that is/are: a) Competent b) Professional c) Strategic and collaborative in their approach; - they work with other suppliers and NR in order to embed current S&SD best practice onto their project. d) Is visible to those delivering the project and is proactive in their dealings with them e) Offers solutions and ideas to the Project Team/PC f) Is able to communcate and articulate their concerns and ideas to workforce/Management g) Always responds to requests for information and assistance promptly 4. Exceeded: The NR Project Team/PC has dedicated S&SD or shared resource(s), determined by risk, attributed to it that is: a) Competent b) Professional c) Is visible to those delivering the project is proactive in their dealings with them d) Offers solutions and ideas to the Project Team/PC e) Is able to communicate and articulate their concerns and ideas to workforce/Management f) Always responds to requests for information and assistance promptly 3. Good: The NR Project Team/PC has a S&SD resource, but it is shared amongst a number of projects, but is deemed adequate for the risk profile of the project, that is regarded as: a) Competent b) Professional c) Is visible to those delivering the project d) Is able to communicate and articulate their concerns to workforce/Management e) Always responds to requests for information and assistance, but may need to be reminded 2. Poor: The NR Project Team/PC has a S&SD resource, but it is shared amongst a number of projects, the resource is deemed inadequate in respect of the risk profile of the project. The resource provided is however regarded as: a) Competent b) Professional c) Is not visible enough on the project d) Is able to communicate and articulate their concerns to workforce/Management e) Responds to requests for information and assistance, but the response may take some time to be given. 1. Signif< icant Room for Improvement: The NR Project Team/PC has no dedicated S&SD resource on the project. The resource is ad hoc. a) Competence is questioned b) Is not visible enough on the project c) There is no evidence of communication between the S&SD resource and the workforce d) Responses to requests for information and assistance are rarely answered. e) Demonstrates unprofessional behaviours N Z   С Щ Ѓ Ч д3. Good: a) The Project Team and the Principal Contractor meet to discuss how S&SD performance can be improved on the project b) Both parties work together to implement initiatives and there is at least one example of a proactive S&SD initiative implemented on the project, that both parties would recognise c) Feedback from the workforce (from Safety Truck visits/Surveys etc) in respect of improving S&SD performance is sought and acted upon d) Management is committed and motivated in improving S&SD performance e) S&SD performance on the project has not got any worse throughout the life of the project. 2. Poor: a) The Project Team and the Principal Contractor meet but spend little, if any time discussing S&SD performance. b) Management say that they are committed and motivated in improving S&SD performance on the project, but there is little evidence of this. c) There is no recognition that specific S&SD initiatives have been implemented on the project. d) S&SD performance has not improved and there are concerns about the S&SD performance on the project. 1. Significant Room for Improvement: a) The Project Team and the Principal Contractor meet but no time is spent reviewing S&SD performance b) There is a perception that lip service is paid to S&SD performance and that delivery is of paramount importance. c) There is no recognition that specific S&SD initiatives have been implemented on the project. d) S&SD performance has got worse throughout the life of the project. a i / S #Appendix : Safe by Design Guidanceћ(a) Clear evidence of the concurrence of Health and Safety risk identification and management all documentation from PCIP through design information to method statements and programme for implementation on site and maintenance of the asset thereafter.?"Good" would be prominent evidence, "Poor" would be no evidenceab) Effective coordination and management of integrated permanent works and temporary works designя"Good" would be well documented procedures including clear definition of rles and responsibilities and timely information transfer. Poor" would be reflect lack of suitably defined procedures, role definition and information distribution.DTimely contract award for adequate lead times (including for design)hTimeliness of assurance, quality documentation and other submitted documentation (including for design)PEffective and timely management of changes and variations (including for design)‰Development, maintenance and adherence to programmes and plans (including integrated programmes for temporary and permanent works design)YTimely provision of NR free issued materials and plant (including information for design)œTimely site provision of plant and materials (and temporary and permanetn works design submissions to avoid late or last minute processing of certification)wRealistic timescales set for the safe delivery of the requirements:- possessions, lead times etc (including for design)LTimely provision of team resources, site and off site (including for design)БTimely approval of submitted documentation; including assurance submissions and quality documentation, planning permissions temporary and permanent works design submissions etc WImpact of re-work, remediation and late changes to temporary and permanent works designy1 off Action At the project kick off meeting both parties are to agree the mobilisation periods for the project start up ю5 = Assessed party consistently demonstrates the behaviours that have been agreed at the project kick off meeting, regardless as to whether the project is progressing on time and to cost etc. Works in a collaborative manner and proactively seeks and values all contributions to resolve issues and conflicts regardless as to source. Is always seeking ways to improve performance for the contract as a whole, not just their team. All members of the team are skilled appropriately for the tasks that they are undertaking. Continually promotes success, and additionally reviews how things can be improved throughout the life of the contract/project, regardless as to standard of performance and without the need to be prompted by the other party.  4 = Assessed party demonstrates the behaviours that have been agreed at the project kick off meeting, regardless as to whether the project is progressing on time and to cost etc. Works in a collaborative manner and values all contributions. Seeks ways to improve performance albeit mainly centred around their own companies improvement, rather than specifically to improve contract/project performance. The majority of the team (and all key posts) are appropriately skilled for the tasks that they are undertaking. Occasionally considers improvements that may be made, but as a result of an issue that has arisen, rather than on a pro-active basis.  Ђ3 = Assessed party generally demonstrates the behaviours that have been agreed at the project kick off meeting, however, in times of poor performance (of either party) does not adhere to them. Tends to worked in a silo mentality when issues arise rather than working together to resolve. Works in accordance with the "contract requirements" and is unwilling to consider alternative ways to improve the contract/project output. Some, but not all, key personnel are skilled appropriately for the tasks that they are undertaking. Rarely considers opportunity to improve performance, albeit does undertaken lessons learnt in the event of poor performance of a key activity.  †2 = Assessed party understands that there are NR values which represent ideal working relationships, however, fails to work in accordance with the majority of them, regardless as to whether the project is progressing on time and to cost. Works strictly in accordance with the contract conditions and predominantly in a confrontational/adversarial manner whenever issues arise. A significant proportion (including key personnel) of their team is not skilled appropriately for the tasks that they are undertaking. Fails to undertake any form of lessons learnt review in the event of an issue arising, albeit does not seek to apportion blame.  а1 = Assessed party consistently dismisses the NR values and works in a confrontational / adversarial manner regardless as to whether the project is progressing on time and to cost etc. the majority of personnel (key or otherwise) do not have the skills required to carry out the tasks that they are undertaking. Apportions blame at times of poor performance rather than attempt to determine what could be done to improve performance for the good of the contract и5 = Continually and pro-actively engages with 3rd party stakeholders to seek their input into matters from the contract commencement, regardless as to whether there is a programme / contractual obligation to do so.  Ф4 = Ensures that 3rd party engagement is considered during the contract, and identifies any specific requirements. Makes all necessary contact at the earliest opportunity with such 3rd parties. d3 = Ensures that 3rd party engagement is carried out in accordance with the contract requirements.  “2 = Accepts that 3rd party engagement is required, but fails to do this in a timely manner, such that the project delivery is negatively impacted.  n1 = Fails to undertake any 3rd party engagement, with significant detrimental impact on the project delivery.  D5 = All contracting obligations are exceeded for all payments, changes, notices such that project delivery is improved. Systems for timely capture and allocation of costs are fully understood and effectively used by all members of the team. Payment process is consis< tently completed to time (or ahead of time) without any "surprises". Short term and AFC forecasts are consistently accurate, updated and maintained throughout the life of the contract. Assessments of costs of change are accurate and kept up to date. The opportunity for resource savings (methodology, productivity, waste, better buying etc) are constantly reviewed identified and delivered. All contract notices and communications are up to date (at all times) agreed and recorded. Change and claims are collaboratively managed, fully controlled and up to date. w z Щ4 = The majority of contracting obligations are exceeded (if not exceeded, then all met) for all payments, changes, notices such that project delivery is improved. Systems for timely capture of allocation of costs are implemented; the commercial team and the key personnel understand and effectively use the systems. Short term and AFC forecasts are generally accurate, updated and maintained throughout the life of the contract. All commercial contracting obligations are met and some aspirational targets (namely; Savings, innovations, relationships, lessons learnt) are achieved. The opportunity for resource savings (methodology, productivity, waste, better buying etc) are occasionally reviewed (on a pro-active basis), identified and delivered. The resources employed to deliver the requirements are appropriate to deliver the requirements and do vary appropriately throughout the contract duration, but are slow to react to increases / decreases in scope.  :3 = All contracting obligations are met for all payments, changes, notices such that project delivery is not inhibited. Systems for timely capture of allocation of costs are implemented; the commercial team and the some of the key personnel understand and effectively use the systems. Short term and AFC forecasts are generally accurate, updated and maintained throughout the life of the contract. Some aspirational targets (namely; Savings, innovations, relationships, lessons learnt) are achieved. The opportunity for resource savings (methodology, productivity, waste, better buying etc) are occasionally reviewed (only at the request of the other party). The resources employed to deliver the requirements are generally appropriate to deliver the requirements, but do not flex with increases / decreases in scope.  $2 = Contracting obligations are consistently missed for payments, changes, notices and as such have a negative impact on project delivery. Systems for timely capture and allocation of costs are not understood or implemented appropriately. Payment process is consistently incomplete, late, or contains elements unknown to the other party. Short term and AFC forecasts are rarely completed and when they are they are consistently inaccurate and out of date. Assessments of costs of change are consistently inaccurate and out of date. No consideration is given to the opportunity for resource savings (methodology, productivity, waste, better buying etc). Contract notices and communications are inaccurate, and not agreed. Final accounts exceed the contract obligation by greater than 50% in time.  Š Œ  1 = Contracting obligations are always missed for payments, changes, notices and as such have a significant impact on project delivery. Systems for timely capture and allocation of costs are not understood or implemented appropriately. Payment process is consistently incomplete, late, or contains elements unknown to the other party. No Short term and AFC forecasts provided throughout the life of the contract. Assessments of costs of change are inaccurate and out of date. No consideration is given to the opportunity for resource savings (methodology, productivity, waste, better buying etc). Contract notices and communications are inaccurate, and not agreed.  ‡ ˆ ]5. Outstanding: a) The documentation submitted is project specific b) It has been submitted in advance of timescales to enable timely review c) It identifies all high risk activities/concerns and provides assurance that these risks have been mitigated against d) Evidence of innovation can be found within approach taken in respect of safety and environmental management on the project e) The detail contained within the documentation is appropriate to the risk f) The quality of the documentation, it's accuracy and it's ability to engage the reader is of very high standard. 4. Exceeded: a) The documentation submitted is project specific b) It has been submitted in advance of timescales to enable timely review c) It identifies all high risk activities/concerns and provides assurance that these risks have been mitigated against d) The detail contained within the documentation is appropriate to the risk e) The quality of the documentation, it's accuracy and it's ability to engage the reader is of very high standard. 3. Good: a) The documentation submitted is project specific b) It has been submitted on time c) It identifies all high risk activities/concerns and provides assurance that these risks have been mitigated against d) The detail contained within the documentation is appropriate to the risk e) The documentation is adequate and meets requirements  D P   92. Poor a) The documentation submitted is non-project specific b) It has been submitted on time c) It contains a broad range of risk information, that make it difficult to identify the significant risks on the project d) The documentation is either over excessive or little value e) There is evidence of cut and pasting information from other similar documents within it f) The information has had to be resumitted as it was deemed inadequate on it's first review 1. Significant Room for Improvement a) The documentation is non-project specific b) It has been submitted late c) The risk information contained within it is of little value d) There is wide scale evidence of cutting and pasting information from similar documentation e) The information has had to be resumitted as it was deemed inadequate on it's first review б є ьThe Principal Contractor is to comment on the performance of the S&SD resource allocated by the NR Project Team to the project and/or the ability of the NR Project Teams to respond to S&SD queries, concerns and requests for information The NR Project Team is to comment on the performance of the S&SD resource allocated by the project by the PC and/or the ability of the PC to respond to S&SD queries, concerns and requests for information, which includes information arising from accidents and incidents. Behavioural Aspects Contract Administration `JSafety & Sustainable Developemnt (To include Helath, Safety & Environment):Performance Indicators for Consideration for the Supplier 9Performance Indicators for Consideration of Network Rail МThe Principal Contractor is to comment on the quality and submission of Pre-construction S&SD Information submitted to them by the Project Team. S&SD Documentation, includes all Health, Safety and Environmental information supplied to the Principal Contractor by the Project Team, that takes into consideration the risks, threats, constraints and opportunities in relation to the project from a health, safety and environmental perspective S&SD Documentation includes all: a) Pre-Construction Information, as required by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 b) Specific Environmental information in relation to the project. The timely high quality provision of pre-construction S&SD information by Network Rail is an essential activity. Please consider and provide feedback to Network Rail on the following; - Documentation is of high quality. - Documentation was provided on time - Documentation is relevant. - Document is accurate.lThe Network Rail Project Team is to comment on the quality and submission of all S&SD Documentation submitted to the Project Team for it's consideration and review. This could include: a) The Construction Phase Plan b) Information in relation to the Environmental Management Plan for the Project c) Project Specific Safety and Environment Risk Registers < d) Work Package Plans If Construction Safety and Sustainable Development information is not submitted in a timely manner and it does not address the specific risks associated with the project, this will have an impact on the ability of the project to be delivered in a safe and compliant manner. - Documentation is of high quality. - Documentation was provided on time - Documentation is relevant and project specific - Documentation identifies the specific risks and mitigations on the project - Document is accurate.hThe Principal Contractor is to comment on their experience of reporting Safety & Sustainable Development Performance Indicators/Data to the project. a) Has the project team explained what needs to be measured and why we are collecting the information requested. b) Has the project set up the KPI Reporting tool correctly to enable the supplier to submit their periodic data against relevant project code(s) c) Where data has been submitted, has the project team validated this information in a timely manner to enable the supplier's data to be included within the overall Infrastructure Project S&SD submission to the Board d) Is the data that has been submitted by the supplier discussed at Project Review Meetings and is it used to inform decision making and generate initiatives to improve Safety and Sustainable Development Performance and behaviours on the project.ЉThe Project Team is to comment on the S&SD data supplied by the PC at period end. a) Did the supplier submit their KPI data within the required timescales at period end. b) Was the data submitted accurate or did the Project Team have to query the data submitted c) Did the data submitted include data relating to the non-mandatory Indicators: Close Call information; Health Surveillance; Safety Inspections; Safety Tours on the project d) Is the data that has been submitted by the supplier discussed at Project Review Meetings and is it used to inform decision making and generate initiatives to improve Health, Safety and Environmental Performance and behaviours on the project.The Principal Contractor has created an environment on the project where improving S&SD performance is of paramount importance. The Principal Contractor is to comment on how receptive and supportive the Project Team is of them implementing a mature S&SD culture on the project: This could include but is not restricted to: a) Bespoke Behaviour/S&SD/Designing out Waste Workshops b) Health and Wellbeing initiatives c) Innovation is used to promote and mitigate risks to people and the environment d) The wider community is consulted on project activities and are advised of mitigations to reduce the impact of project activities on them. e) The workforce are regularly consulted on S&SD performance and their ideas are sought in order can be improve S&SD performance ŠThe Project Team is to comment on the Principal Contractors focus on improving S&SD performance the project. How receptive is the Principal Contractor in implementing a mature S&SD culture on the project:that will help create the right environment where improved S&SD performance is its core focus. Initiates could include but are not restricted to: a) Bespoke Behaviour/S&SD/Designing out Waste Workshops are delivered on the Project b) Health and Wellbeing initiatives being implemented on the project c) Innovation used to promote and mitigate risks to people and the environment d) Evidence that the wider community is regularly consulted about project activities and are advised of the mitigations in place to reduce the impact of project activities may have on them. e) The workforce are regularly consulted on S&SD performance and their ideas are sought in order can be improve S&SD performance Clarity of Scope, at contract award and in any ensuing variations. Clear, unambiguous and consistent communication of standards and expectationsQFully documented contract variation instructions which are clear and unambiguous tSupport to contractor initiatives and standards in regards to Environmental matters, Response to environmental plan ГEnvironmental Management - consider any specific requirements and adherence to environmental plan, responses to environmental incidents, Environmental management culture on site Waste Management )Interface with Project Sponsors, LUL etc ONetwork Rail NDS, Operations and Customer Service, Maintenance (if applicable) !Network Rail 3rd party suppliers Interface with project sponsors ZIf applicable - Assurance documentation to LUL If applicable - Access Planning with LUL Throughout the life of the project a "close as you go" commercial approach is adopted to facilitate timely final accounting. Final accounts are completed in advance of the contractual timescales following Substantial Completion. Aspirational targets are mutually agreed and widely distributed across both teams. Lessons learnt process is effective in securing continuous improvements. The resources employed to deliver the requirements are at an appropriate level required at any given point during the contract period.йAt key stages or milestones of the project lifecycle a "close as you go" commercial approach is adopted to facilitate timely final accounting. Final accounts are completed within the contractual timescales following Substantial Completion. Aspirational targets are widely distributed across both teams. Change and claims are collaboratively managed, fully controlled and up to date. Aspirational targets are agreed and distributed to relevant personnel across both teams.Scoring Criteria 5 = Very Good 4 = Good 3 = Adequate 2 = Poor 1 = Very Poor}In the event that both Network Rail and the Supplier's representative are unable to reach agreement on the scoring to be applied, this matter and details of the disagreement are to be escalated via the SAM (Supplier Account Management) process. If the contract is not subject to SAM process then the issues shall be escalated via the same hierarchy as is applied to the contract. Delivery On Time Scoring Guidance Final accounts are completed within the contractual timescales following Substantial Completion. Aspirational targets are distributed but not across both teams. Change and claims are managed but may not be up to date. Aspirational targets are occasionally considered. Apps and Payments generally agreed in accordance with the contract and on time and they are accurate. The opportunity for resource savings (methodology, productivity, waste, better buying etc) are occasionally reviewed as and when requested by either party.єNo aspirational targets are set. No consideration is given to lessons learnt or continuous improvement. The resources employed to deliver the requirements are inappropriate (be that too many or too few) for the majority of the contract periodAFinal accounts exceed the contract obligation by greater than 75% in time. No aspirational targets are set. No consideration is given to lessons learnt or continuous improvement. The resources employed to deliver the requirements are inappropriate (be that too many or too few) at all times during the contract period Timely response to instructions СAppropriate resources employed to delivery the requirements (in accordance with resource loaded programme) increased / decreased as necessary to ensure satisfactory delivery of the requirements.Efficiency methods being employed and visible ŠPro-active identification of potential waste and re-work in a timely manager - any such occurrences being duly mitigated wherever possible8Satisfactory quality of evidence to support application &Mitigation of the costs of variations Realism of Claims (Mitigation of possession / train delays OFair and measured response to valuations, claims and final account discussions !Closing out claims as they arise Avoidance of waste and re-work @Co-operating in mitigating the cost impact of disruptive events 0Access to complete resolution of snagging items 9Continuity of management throughout the close-out period Effectiveness of hand back EClose out review for shared lessons learned / c< ontinuous improvement OCompliance with the specification, NR Standards and quality assurance procedureEngineering AssuranceDelivery as Specified Stakeholder Interface MVA Consultancy LtdRobinson Kenning & GallagherThe Trevor Patrick Partnership Supplier NameSupplier NumberADAS UK AECOM LtdAlan Baxter & Associates LLP Altran UK Ltd Amey LG LtdAppleyards LtdArcadis (UK) LtdArrowvale ElectronicsAsset Management Consulting Ltd Atkins LtdBabcock Rail LtdBalfour Beatty Management Ltd Balfour Beatty Rail Projects Ltd$Balfour Beatty Rail Technologies LtdBellwether Enterprises LtdBirse Rail LtdBovis Lend Lease Consulting LtdBridgeway Consulting Ltd%Brunswick Infrastructure Services Ltd#Butler & Young Lift Consultants LtdCapita Symonds Ltd Carter JonasCass Hayward & PartnersCCD Design & Ergonomics Ltd"Competence Assurance Solutions LtdCrouch Waterfall & PartnersDeltaRail Group LtdDonaldson Associates Ltd EC Harris LLP$Environmental Scientifics Group Ltd.ESR Technology LtdFaithful + GouldFrankham Consultancy Group LtdFranklin & Andrews LimitedFrazer-Nash Consultancy LtdGardiner & TheobaldGeorge Corderoy & CoGleeds (Nottingham)GrontmijGS Partnership LtdGutteridge Haskins & Davey LtdHalcrow Group Ltd Haleys LtdHurley Palmer Flatt LtdHyder Consulting (UK) LtdI S Consulting LimitedIDP Architects LLP Infrasafe LtdInitiate Consulting LtdInvensys Rail Ltd Jacobs UK LtdJeremy Benn Associates LimitedLloyd's Register Rail LtdLR Scandpower LtdMace LtdMay Gurney Ltd(McNicholas Construction Services LimitedMGB Signalling LtdMLM Consulting EngineersMott MacDonald LtdMouchel Rail Ltd'Opus International Consultants (UK) LtdOve Arup & PartnersParsons Brinckerhoff Ltd(Pell Frischmann Consulting Engineers Ltd'QSS (Quality and Safety Services) GroupRailway Systems Consultants LtdRamboll UK LtdRobert West Consulting Ltd RWA Rail LtdSavills (L&P) LtdSchofield Lothian LtdSinclair Knight Merz Europe Ltd(Southdowns Environmental Consultants LtdSteer Davies GleaveSweett (UK) LtdTata Steel UK LtdTemple Group LtdTony Gee & Partners LLPTPS Consult LtdTurner & Townsend LLP'URS Infrastructure & Environment UK LtdW A Fairhurst & PartnersWardell Armstrong LLP$Waterman Transport & Development LtdWYG Engineering Ltd§1 off Action:- Both parties should review the contract award timescales and determine whether these were achieved in accordance with the declared tender programme and capture commentary within the scorecard as to any impacts of over / under achievement }5 = Assessed party consistently provides all relevant documentation / approvals / acceptance etc in advance of the agreed programme requirements. Where variations to the contract scope are required they are agreed within a timescale relevant to the nature of the variation (ie:- simple, non complex within less than 5 working days, complex within a timescale as mutually agreed between the parties). They should have an appropriate timescale allowed for in order to undertake the additional activities in a safe and cost effective way, without negatively impacting upon other areas of the programme. Programme contains detailed activities in regards to the requirements for permanent and temporary works design, resources (plant, materials and labour), or other 3rd party influences and the lead time for these requirements are sufficiently detailed such that all orders / interactions are completed well in advance of the back stop date. The programme is continually monitored with a view to improving the delivery timescales (at levels 3 and 4) , reported against and all activities are delivered on time or in advance of the programme dates.  К4 = Assessed party consistently provides all relevant documentation / approvals / acceptance etc in accordance with the agreed programme requirements, and occasionally in advance of the programme. Where variations to the contract scope are required they are agreed within a timescale relevant to the nature of the variation (ie:- simple, non complex within less than 10 working days, complex within a timescale as mutually agreed between the parties). They have been agreed with an appropriate timescale allowed for in order to undertake the additional activities in a safe and cost effective way, but they may have an impact upon other areas of the programme. Programme contains outline level activities in regards to the requirements for permanent and temporary works design, resources (plant, materials and labour), or other 3rd party influences. The programme is continually monitored, reported against and all activities are delivered on time.  н3 = Assessed party provides all relevant documentation / approvals / acceptance in accordance with the agreed programme. Where variations to the contract scope are required they are agreed within a timescale relevant to the nature of the variation (ie:- simple, non complex within less than 21 working days, complex within a timescale as mutually agreed between the parties). They are agreed with an appropriate timescale to complete the additional activity in a safe but not necessarily cost effective way, the additional requirements may have a negative impact on other areas of the programme. Programme contains high level activities in regards to the requirements for permanent and temporary works design, resources (plant, materials and labour) and other 3rd party influences. The programme is continually monitored, reported against and the majority of activities are delivered on time, and those which aren't achieved on time have limited impact upon the overall programme.  ї2 = Assessed party consistently provides all relevant documentation / approvals / acceptance late but within 10 working days of the agreed programme. Where variations to the contract scope are required they take time to agree regardless as to the nature of the variation. The additional requirements will have a negative impact on other areas of the programme. Programme contains high level activities in regards to the requirements for permanent and temporary works design, resources (plant, materials and labour) and other 3rd party influences. The programme is occasionally monitored and reported against however, a proportion of the activities are delivered late, requiring some mitigation / intervention in order to meet the overall programme. ъ1 = Assessed party consistently provides all relevant documentation / approvals / acceptance late (greater than 10 days) against agreed programme. Where variations to the contract scope are required they take significant time (greater than 21 working days) to agree regardless as to the nature of the variation and they are unrealistic / unacceptable in regards to timescales to complete the activity and potentially introduce safety risk to the programme. The additional requirements will have a negative impact on other areas of the programme. Programme doesn't contain sufficient detail in order to ensure that permanent and temporary works design, resources (plant, materials and labour) and other 3rd party influences are provided in a timely manner to meet programme. The programme is occasionally monitored and reported against however, a significant proportion of the activities are delivered late, requiring continual mitigation / intervention in order to meet the overall programme. 1. S & S D Documentation Ъ1 off action At the project kick off meeting both parties shall review their corporate values / behaviours and agree on the behaviours that they wish to see exhibited throughout the contract duration.  p5. Outstanding: a) All data is supplied well in advance of deadlines b) It is accurate and has been reviewed by the Project Team c) All mandatory data requirements are included in the submission d) All non-mandatory, proactive safety and sustainable development performance indicators has been competed, including details of: Close Call; Health Surve<'illance; Safety and Environmental Inspections; Safety Tours information on for the project e) The data is reviewed each month by both the supplier and project team and it is used to inform decison making and generate an improvement plan on the project to enhance S&SD performance. f) Through these discussions additional matrix are suggested as means of measuring and improving S&SD performance on the project. 4. Exceeded: a) All data is supplied well in advance of deadlines b) It is accurate and has been reviewed by the Project Team c) All mandatory data requirements are included in the submission d) Three non-mandatory, proactive safety and sustainable development performance indicators has been competed that may include details of: Close Call; Health Surveillance; Safety and Environmental Inspections; Safety Tours information on for the project e) The data is reviewed each month by both the supplier and project team and it is used to inform decision making and generate an improvement plan on the project to enhance S&SD performance. 3. Good: a) All data is supplied on time b) It is accurate and has been reviewed by the project team c) All mandatory data requirements are included in the submission d) At least one non-mandatory, proactive safety and sustainable development performance indicators has been competed that may include details of: Close Call; Health Surveillance; Safety and Environmental Inspections; Safety Tours information on for the project e) The data is reviewed each month by both the supplier and project team. ћ  z ‚ pЄ2. Poor: a) Data is supplied late and/or. b) Data is supplied, but the NR Proeject Team are routinely required to chase the PC for it, and/or c) It is accurate, but did not get reviewed by the project team in a timely manner, which meant it could not be submitted and/or d) The data reviewed by the Project Team contained inaccuracies and the supplier was questioned over their submission e) None of the non-mandatory fields have been completed f) The data is not used to generate discussions at regular project progress meetings. 1. Significant Room for Improvement: a) Data cannot be submitted as the project has not been set up by the NR Project Team to enable the data to be supplied and/pr b) The system has been set up, but the PC fails to routinely to submit their data and/or c) No data is reviewed at regular project progress meetings. d) There is a lack of understanding as to why data is being collected on the project.  8 65. Outstanding: a) The Project Team and the Principal Contractor meet to discuss how S&SD performance can improved on the project b) Both parties work together to implement initiatives and there are examples of several proactive S&SD initiatives implemented on the p‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽўџџџФш”Ѕ–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄ“ІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВўџџџДЕЖўџџџИТКЛМНОПРСГУХиЦЧШЮЪЫЬЭўџџџзабвгдежЩкмўџџџлнўџџџочрстуфхцйщўџџџъўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџroject that both parties would recognise c) Feedback from the workforce (from Safety Truck visits/Surveys etc) in respect of improving S&SD performance is sought and acted upon d) Feedback from the wider community (from consultative meetings/project communications), in respect, of reducing the impact of the project on the community is actively sought and acted upon on the project d) There is recognition that those undertaking, supervising and managing construction activity, are motivated and engaged in improving S&SD performance e) There is recognition that a mature S&SD culture exists on the project and is recognised by both parties on the project 4. Exceeded a) The Project Team and the Principal Contractor meet to discuss how S&SD performance can be improved on the project b) Both parties work together to implement initiatives and there are examples of at least two proactive S&SD initiatives implemented on the project that both parties would recognise c) Feedback from the workforce (from Safety Truck visits/Surveys etc) in respect of improving S&SD performance is sought and acted upon d) Feedback from the wider community (from consultative meetings/project communications) in respect of reducing the impact of the project on the community is actively sought and acted upon on the project e) There is an recognition that those supervising and managing the project are activity, are motivated and engaged in improving S&SD performance f) There is recognition that a mature S&SD culture exists on the project and is recognised by both parties on the project  Њ џтd ,д#ЖŠ+2‚= dAш јK|шVHЃnвv…ЫВŠюЃŒпЊ’ц)”eŸ•ЗL–dш–х—§Ии–™Ў;šSэšЕ›ЭЏœЧ{“=žU ЧЎпcc › ЭЩР Z|чию&іКњ  dќЉёвMbP?_*+‚€%џС,")6;?Cƒ„&юvЛнnЗл?'M&“Щd2й?(M&“Щd2Щ?)M&“Щd2Щ?M\\NC1V02IP01\PullPrintStandardм<Cџ€ š 4dXXA4џџџџDINU"T ш‰В“D SMTJHP Universal Printing PCL 6 (v5.3)InputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLHPDocUISUITrueESPRITSupportedTrueFastRes1bppResolution600dpiPrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2HPColorSmartAutomaticHPColorSmart_ColorOptions_EdgeControlNoCmdHPColorSmart_ColorOptions_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Text_NeutralGraysNoCmdHPColorSmart_Text_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Text_RGBColorNoCmdHPColorSmart_Graphics_NeutralGraysNoCmdHPColorSmart_Graphics_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Graphics_RGBColorNoCmdHPColorSmart_Photo_NeutralGraysNoCmdHPColorSmart_Photo_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Photo_RGBColorNoCmdOrientationPORTRAITHPOrientRotate180FalseDuplexVERTICALHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalsePaperSizeA4HPConsumerCustomPaperTrueMediaTypeAUTOCollateOFFHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTRUEHPPageExceptionsFileHPCPE115HPPageExceptionsInterfaceShowPageExceptionsHPPageExceptionsLowEndHPPageExceptionsLowEndVerHPPageExceptionsCoverInsertionHPOutputBinOrientationFACEDOWNPunchingNoneStaplingNoneHPStaplingOpposedFalseEconomodeFalseTextAsBlackFalseAlternateLetterHeadFalseHPSmartHubInet_SID_263_BID_514_HID_265OutputBinAutoHPDocPropResourceDatahpchl115.cabHPLpiSelectionNoneJPEGEnableAutoHPEasyColorOnHPMHDLLNameHPFIE115HP_DIBStitch_TintTestDisabledHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueHPColorModeCOLOR_MODEColorModeMonoTTAsBitmapsSettingTTModeOutlineHPPDLTypePDL_PCL6HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_GROUPNAMEHPBornOnDateHPBODHPColorPlaneHPCPHPJobByJobOverrideJBJOHPJobAccWoPinTrueHPXMLFileUsedhpcu1156.xmlHPSmartDuplexSinglePageJobTrueHPDuplicateJobNameOverrideSWFWHPEnableRAWSpoolingTrueRGBColorDefault-sRGBJRConstraintsJRCHDFullJRHDInstalledJRHDOffJRHDNotInstalledJRHDOffHPBestGlossDefaultPSAlignmentFileHPCLS115шIUPH!xœэ›ЯkAЧПI@ RTъЩ*Є‚Ђ‡… jEY7Ќvн ЅйJ№GKБѕ Rџ„ў њ'xЩб?РЋx ўоє;“]йlм,6эюћ “™7o&;0ѓолйeћг@E9‹ГШA“їѓ@PеѓLMЃЭ›пœппBIБwЌ|јB?’8r”\ŒmWТcМФ&Г‡'џp}сp#ыŸm,ДбТžOz"ТDабЪёыALшѕzCe˜ЂпЏ9ЂйЙt­hlЪГRHT.gWУІeиИ—t !uмЄz….cд њЉ.Не:nMzRТ!`ФЕф‡лr‘7NпŸgyжW„ысОA{Xр~ž‚Очз9р*.35БХ=-d“ю“гI‡5ARЭп\@Gє=p‹'t}N_ЧГ§žš Єm{6Яџ”QЂНЕХuY_ЧВkфЇь#ЄНІ"rM_пœEлм3ц Г[–Yn˜v’ТЖЉЩг5AHЋxMЛŸЃѕЗш<ц.ЂТHВE‹їhћ—†bЩ ‚ь/oшЈJ'уѕЈŸЃпЅўмН~ч9WTнVKѓЊЎќішГ•џ‘ЃЯ[Ц=9–w˜Ф§h˜5кфкДБfт•kЅWАC]’—oPЊ2еј_ W˜,ыFZТМЉ+9ee›vьўy&d•тЄ' jŽeWмG••ЛжЊm9Е™…OеїхОzћѕћЕщ‡ Ѓ/Ѓ[{по]јЉvЯџИўёФіЧЙГh)W\Š ‚ ‚ ‚Hпџ.щTт=B–ј џ…}йЁ" 8XXЌеjЕZ­ж?HсzЎGб?U} ’9M} Ж}  ZwџX@ ”Р!С@Є@} @љљ ћ   ”Р! 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